Arkansas Scenes

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Preparing for the Storm

This weekend will prove to be interesting and exhausting - I already know. I am trying to be positive but it just ain't working! lol

The in laws are coming. I have several issues with this. Please allow me to ellaborate.

First they have 2 kids - 9 and 7. I use to be the one who loved kids. Not anymore. I have found that since my kids have gotten older I do not have the tolerance for little kids. Especially little kids who are spawns of the devil. lol These kids have mouths on them that would make a sailor blush. They treat their parents and my stuff with wanton disregard. AND they still have all of their teeth. If they were my children, I would have knocked their teeth down their throats a long time ago.

On one occassion the 9 year old told his moma "Get up and fix me something to drink bitch." At this point, somebody would have been calling child protective services on me because I would have been whooping his butt. Nope - mother of the year got up and fixed him something to drink.

The 7 year old angelic daughter most recently wrote "BITCH" all over a piece of paper and put it in a neighbor's mailbox. When the neighbor tried to talk to the angel, she said "Fuck you bitch, get out of my face." I guess I am just from the old school. You may not like somebody but you do not talk to adults like that.

Luckily, my husband and I are the mean aunt and uncle. All we have to do it look at them and they go find their parents but that doesn't help the fact that they are heathens when their parents are in the room.

Second issue: my brother in law. He spends the entire time we are with him telling how great he is, how important he is at work, how much money he has. Now this would probably bother me anyway but we really don't talk about stuff like that. Since I am not being myself here I can point out what I would like to say to him. Yes - it is catty and yes I should just let it go and I do. It still doesn't change the fact that I would like to shut him up. #1 How great he is: your kids are heathens, you are a pot head and you're wife is lazy. You both run around on each other at every turn. Yeah - you're great #2 - How important he is: He has worked for the same company for 15 years and is just now making $15 an hour. I am a female and I make more money than him. (like I said, we don't talk about that stuff so it is none of his business) #3 How much money he has: It is easy to have cash on hand when you don't have anything else. He lives in a two bedroom 1960 trailer that is falling in and paid for - it was given to him. He drives a work truck and the sister in law has a station wagon that is paid for. They live in a trailer park so they have lot rent. That and utilities - that is the extent of their bills. I know material things don't make people - I understand that. But, I take offense as I feel like he tries to make my husband feel bad by flashing around cash. However he doesn't mind when we take out our boat, jetski, staying at our home. I know this all sounds very bitchy and ordinarily I would not point it out because it does sound ugly. But if I didn't think he was trying to "dig" on my husband it wouldn't bother me.
His wife - loser central in my opinion. She was in nursing school but she got kicked out becuase they did a drug test on the class and guess who didn't pass? She was kicked out of school and lost all financial aid. Since then, she has been sitting at home doing nothing. The kids are in school so babysitter is not the issue. One of the issues with her getting a job - she cheated on him last time she worked. Yep - she was getting meat in the deli so to speak. My brother in law went and shot up the guys house. (I am so glad we don't live in the same town!) Since then he has not let her work for fear of her cheating. Like that has helped. They both run around on each other like life is a race car track.
Another issue - they are both pot heads. Now I don't partake so this is especially annoying to me. If you are grown and able to smoke a little herb more power to ya. It is just not my thing. I wouldn't mind it except for when we go do something they disappear. For example: we are at the lake. Said hellians start hollering. They are not mine so I am not paying them any attention. When I can no longer ignore the racket and check up - I am apparently the adult on duty. They will leave to go get high and not even tell me they are leaving or ask me to watch the kids. At least show some adult responsibility, right?
And finally: My Home, Their Hotel. We live in a town that is close to "things to do". They live in a town that is economically depressed with only a Wal-Mart. Obviously I am not pulling up their carpet for the night. They come stay at my house which I could tolerate except for they sleep until noon on a good day and we are early risers. They bring their dog who craps all over the floor. I think I have already pointed out that their kids tear up my stuff - standing on my furniture, breaking collectibles. I think they are old enough to take it down a notch and be respectful but it ain't going to happen.
So there you have my bitch whines moans and groans about the in laws. Wish me the best of luck in maintaining my sanity and not killing a kid or pissing off an adult!

Am I the only person who has crazy ass in laws?????????????? Please - share your horror story so I don't feel so bad! lol

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My First Blog

So here I go. This blog is anonymous, if you will. I have another blog. My kids, kids friends, even the ex-wife are my "friend". Sometimes I want to write about stuff that is, um, none of their business.

If you read about me, then you know I am struggling right now. Who am I? What am I? What do I want to do, like interests? I don't have any close friends, really. Kids first, you know. I was so busy taking care of everybody that I lost sight of me. The world has been changing around me while I was just spinning in place. I would love to say "Oh I wouldn't change a thing!" in reality I WOULD HAVE! I would have taken at least a day a month for me. 15 minutes of quiet time a day. I regret letting myself disappear under the layers of responsibility. There is a way to balance both, I know it now. I didn't then. It's going to be okay - just going to take some time.
I am trying to learn to meditate. I read that you have to pratice, and I have been. I don't have anyone to talk to about it. To ask questions.

Do you meditate? How do you keep your "mind" healthy?